Category Archives: The Daily Growl


Dear Kaya,

Something happened about a week ago that I’ve only now recovered from sufficiently to write you about. It was nighttime. I was on the sofa, half asleep. The humans were having some sort of party, I’d made my rounds, and I was ready for a nap. Then suddenly there were explosions, lots of them, coming from the sky, with flashing lights and falling sparks. We were under some sort of attack. Continue reading


A Note From New Zealand

The Doc’s been acting a little strangely lately. I mean, he gets weird at times but this is different. He’s been going on and on about something called Ebola and he’s been spending a lot more time at the place he works. He says he’s making plans in case this Ebola thing shows up in his emergency room, then he mumbles about travel bans and quarantine. That’s when he got my attention. Quarantine.
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Ever since I’ve known him the Doc has played music. Not the radio or the stereo. Well not the radio, anyway. I don’t even know if we have a radio. Except in the car. I know we have one in the car, both cars, because the folks play it sometimes when they take me for rides, like to Pet Co. Love that place. The smells are amazing and no one seems to mind if I wander around and take a few sniffs.
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It’s hot today. As much as I pay attention to these things it seems it’s been hot for a while, maybe a week. Maybe not. I understand the hours of the day; when it’s time for my walks, my meals, and my various treats, but I’m not so good with days in bunches. Like when the folks break out the suitcases and disappear for a while. Which happened recently, by the way.
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The Skunk

I’ve gotten some interesting feedback on my most recent column. It seems there are quite a few of us who enjoy sleeping al fresco, and the practice isn’t confined to dogs of a certain age. It makes sense, if you think about it. Our ancestors lived outdoors. They played, hunted, ate and slept there and were none the worse for the experience. If it was cold they had fur and each other to keep warm. If it was hot, where but under the stars were they likely to get any relief? It wasn’t until people came along that the idea of dogs sleeping indoors became popular. Popular with people. I’m pretty sure no one asked us.
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