Category Archives: The Daily Growl


Those of you familiar with this column probably realize by now that you haven’t heard from me in a while. Months, (years, if you look at if from my perspective), and nothing. Silence. As though maybe I died, or did what the Doc is always muttering about, ‘retired’. I’m not sure what that means, exactly. Listening to him it seems to have something to do with his job. Specifically, not doing it anymore.
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For years now I’ve had this lump on the right side of my chest. The Doc noticed it first, when it was really small. I guess that’s part of what he does for a living—checks people for things. I’m sure there’s more to it than that. Has to be. Spending all day checking people for lumps doesn’t sound like much fun. Anyway, he pointed it out to mom and the two of them spent some time feeling it and talking about it. It made me a little self-conscious. I mean, I knew it was there but it didn’t bother me. Why, I wondered, should it bother them? It was a little weird, sure, but if I started worrying about everything I thought was a little weird I wouldn’t have time for anything else. Eventually they changed the subject and I assumed the business of the lump was over.
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I’ve never given a lot of thought to bugs. They seem to be everywhere, and except for the one or two ticks I somehow managed to pick up over the years they’ve never really bothered me much. Even the ticks didn’t really bother me—they bothered the folks, who started freaking out about the weird diseases they carry and why the medicine they were giving me to prevent getting them in the first place didn’t work.
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While hanging out with the groomer the other day I had some time to think about a few things. One of them was why I was hanging out with the groomer in the first place. I mean there are times when he comes for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I’m fine, it’s a normal day, then out of nowhere, he shows up with that diabolical truck and the next thing I know I’m getting a bath. It’s practically assault and battery and I’m sure it would be illegal for him to pull the same stunt on the Doc. But every once in a great while he comes for a reason. This was one of those times. I would have called him myself if I knew the number.
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Since posting my response to Roscoe’s question about fireworks I’ve gotten a lot of feedback. It seems that many of us don’t like them, don’t trust them, and don’t understand why the humans think they’re so wonderful. At least I’m assuming that’s what they think, since they’re the ones setting them off on days they consider special. ‘Special days’—that’s a whole other topic. Days are days, and unless it’s raining they are all the same, and they are all good. Anyway, the idea that blowing things up and making a horrible racket is a good way to celebrate a special day is incomprehensible on a number of levels. And not just to dogs. I’m pretty sure the rats, cats, squirrels, birds, deer, possums, raccoons, skunks, (ick), coyotes and mountain lions in the neighborhood don’t get it either. It’s just not something we consider fun. It’s creepy and scary.
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