Category Archives: Blog


The human body is a wondrous thing. Since the earliest days of recorded history it has been a source of fascination and inspiration for scientists and artists alike. This has been true whether the focus has been on the sub-cellular workings of mitochondria and RNA creating energy and building proteins, or the organism as a whole, creating thoughts and building cities. Yet it seems there are quite a few people unfamiliar with its various parts and their specific uses.
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Or: There’s a holy war out there for everyone

Jihad in the name of Islam has been with us for a long time. We see images of it every day. Scruffy looking guys with beards and AK 47’s having what must be a great time shooting at infidels, blowing themselves up, screaming the praises of Mohammed, Allah, and Islam, while threatening to kill us by whatever means possible. I mean, it must be fun, because human nature being what it is it’s doubtful so many would go through so much trouble for something that wasn’t. Never mind ideology. These people seem to be enjoying what they do.
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Surviving The Emergency Room

How to get the most out of your trip to the ER with the least amount of pain and suffering – for all involved

At one time or another just about everyone will have an ‘Emergency Room Experience’. Maybe you will be the patient, or, just as likely, you will be there with a friend or family member in need of emergency medical care. Either way it will not be a planned event and it will not be convenient. If you are the patient there will be pain and possibly some bleeding involved, you will most likely not know the doctor or nurses taking care of you, their qualifications to do so, or track record. At best it will be an unpleasant interruption of a normal day. At worst—well… But there are some things you should know and some things you can do to minimize the chances of that worst-case scenario.
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Back in the old days, before the 2008 election, there was a lot of talk from the Left about the need for a science-based approach to governance. The basic sentiment was that it was inconceivable a modern, powerful nation such as ours could or should ignore ‘facts’ that were utterly intuitive. This line of thinking has prevailed and we are now about to embark on a second term of the ‘science president’. Yippee.

The problem so far has been his inability to actually understand science and scientific evidence. It’s almost as though he’s never studied science. For all we know he hasn’t.
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Guest Blogging

Check out my latest post at YDS: The Clare Spark blog, where I discuss the implications of Obamacare – not just as a doctor but also as a patient.

“As the election draws close and the race tightens it seems a good time to take one more look at what is about to befall us as patients and consumers of healthcare. In the past I’ve spoken from my perspective as a career Emergency Medicine specialist, a physician for over thirty years, practicing at the precise point where the worlds of medicine, politics, and public policy collide. I have been, and continue to be, a part of the safety net everyone pays lip service to but few truly understand. I have had a lot to say about why I think Obamacare, (an acceptable appellation since the president himself adopted it during the recent debate), is a disaster…” Read More
