Author Archives: jame4357


It’s hot today. As much as I pay attention to these things it seems it’s been hot for a while, maybe a week. Maybe not. I understand the hours of the day; when it’s time for my walks, my meals, and my various treats, but I’m not so good with days in bunches. Like when the folks break out the suitcases and disappear for a while. Which happened recently, by the way.
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The Skunk

I’ve gotten some interesting feedback on my most recent column. It seems there are quite a few of us who enjoy sleeping al fresco, and the practice isn’t confined to dogs of a certain age. It makes sense, if you think about it. Our ancestors lived outdoors. They played, hunted, ate and slept there and were none the worse for the experience. If it was cold they had fur and each other to keep warm. If it was hot, where but under the stars were they likely to get any relief? It wasn’t until people came along that the idea of dogs sleeping indoors became popular. Popular with people. I’m pretty sure no one asked us.
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The Doc’s been watching a lot of TV lately so to keep him company I’ve been watching, too. The usual cooking shows, sure, but also a lot of sports. And not just the usual stuff, like baseball, which I find kind of relaxing. You know, guys standing around in some nice park with perfect grass, not much going on except every once in a while one guy hits a ball and all the other guys run around chasing it. Like the park. Some of my pals can’t get enough of chasing balls. Not my thing, but whatever. The point is I get baseball, sort of.
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Ever since we stopped going to the park my opportunities for squirrel catching have been limited. I forgot why we stopped going, exactly. I mean, almost from the day I first moved in with Mom and the Doc the park was where we went. Every morning. Afternoons, too, sometimes. I had my pals. We got to run around and chase each other, which was fun, but mostly I got a chance to hunt.
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Just this morning the Doc and I were on our usual walk. Down the street, past the school, (no kids today so I missed the pets and licks), through the alley, across the intersection to the street where the creek flows. We were walking along the creek, like always, when all of a sudden these two dogs run up to check me out. Off leash. We gave each other a sniff. Neither of them seemed to want any trouble so I stayed calm.
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